
Expansion is a wonderful feeling when we feel it!

It is the feeling of opening our arms wide and saying “I love this!” or “I love you!”.

It is the most natural feeling in the world when all is going well, and not easy to find when life is not going well.

How do we create expansion out of the not so good times?

Tough times do not usually put us into an expansive or creative mood, even though this is what is needed to get us out from where we are.. What works for one person may not work for you. We are all different, so you have to find the way that works for you. Here I show you one way to test out.

It is an invitation to listen honestly to two aspects of yourself: the physical and the non physical.

Set aside 20-30 mins to listen and write down what you pick up:

  1. Firstly to your body. What do you physically need in this challenging situation, and are you giving it to yourself? If not, why not, and how can you change any of that? Start small to start expanding into a better place.

  2. Secondly to your non-physical self. This is your innate intelligence/ inner wisdom/ inner being/ true essence. What are you feeling? What are you thinking? How are you responding to what you are feeling? Start by welcoming your feelings and your thoughts by giving them some space. Spill them out onto the paper without trying to make any sense of them. Then turn compassionately towards them as though they are your friends trying to tell you something important. Only then ask yourself what small steps could you take to make a difference to how you are feeling or thinking.

This process keeps you from staying stuck in a helpless or hopeless space and into a more creative expansive space, from which you will find solutions to your particular challenging time. Together we can do this deeper listening to find solutions to global and local challenges.

The solutions become a conscious choice because we have listened fully to ourselves, AND we have also listened deeply to any others involved.

This is expansion into a more conscious life where it becomes easier to find solutions.


To care or not to care