We are a dance of wondrous molecules

We have an infinite power to create for we are one with the life force of the Universe. This Life force is a stream of endless possibility. Each step we take to create something new and for ourselves and our world we are creating movement in the molecules of the Universe. Each movement leads to another and another, just like the steps of a dance lead on one from another.


We are made up of trillions of molecules all with their own particular frequency of vibration. We are now learning that we change the frequency of these vibrations with our intention. Intention comes from thought. We are the thoughts we think. This is true whether or not we are conscious of our thoughts. Mastery of thought involves becoming conscious of our thoughts. As we become conscious of our thoughts, we then need to take responsibility for them. No one can make us think anything. We are not helpless victims of whoever is around us. Neither are we victims of the thoughts and actions of those around us. I am not saying that they don’t impact on us. Of course they do. The vibrational frequency of the thought patterns of those nearest to us always impact on us , but we need to take responsibility for how we respond to that impact. It is our thoughts that create our response to that impact. So here we are again, back to our own thoughts.


Our thoughts are like a dance of molecules vibrating in our brains. This dance can be the most beautiful dance imaginable when we take time to listen to the deeper rhythms of the Universe. We find these deeper rhythms in nature and in simplicity and in purity of heart.

What do I mean by this?

 It is in these places that we find ourselves immersed in the way of love. It is as though there is magic dancing in our veins when we pause to connect to the wonder of nature, or when we pause to connect to the wonder of the people near us, or when we simply stop and wait  in utter simplicity on the quiet promptings within. When we listen to the truths in our own hearts, even if those truths conflict with one another, we find the one simple truth that matters most. These places lead us to the creative life force of the universe.


Stop! Look! Listen!


Stopping the endless round of activity, gives us a break in the flow of molecules dancing in a frenzy around us. Breaking from this frenzied rhythm gives us space in which to listen for a different rhythm. This new rhythm was there all the time, but we were disconnected from it in all our frenzied activity. The pause is powerful. The pause is deep. The pause gives us a new rhythm. The new rhythm is the way of love. The pause gives us time to see where our frenzied activity has been taking us. The pause helps us to look. As we look with loving eyes, love for ourself and love for others, we know immediately whether or not to continue with what we were doing in the way we were doing it, or whether we need to do something different, or the same thing in a different way.


How wondrous is this dance of molecules who we are. There is such deep wisdom in the dance. Our inner wisdom knows immediately whether we are loving ourselves or not, and whether we are loving others or not. We may not necessarily know immediately what we need to do differently, but we do know when what we are doing is not delivering the loving results we would like to see in our lives or our world.


Is the dance of molecules within you taking you towards who you want to be and what you want to do and towards all you would like to have.? If not, then try the stop look listen method. Interrupt the dance of molecules,[ie. The merry go round of thoughts in your head.] Decide on a new dance and start the rhythm of a new dance. At first wea can feel a little clumsy when we start dancing to a new rhythm. It feels unfamiliar. We can be anxious about getting the steps right. Then as we practise we get into it more. Then we find ourselves catching on to the new rhythm. Then we find our feet moving almost without our having to think about it. This new rhythm is the frequency of the new thoughts you are now choosing to be at the helm of your life.


I know when I first tried to get hold of some of these ideas, they felt completely foreign to me. It felt like a long journey at times because I would keep on getting waylaid up side allies. I am naturally curious, which is a wonderful gift and can sometimes distract me from my focus and can therefore delay me.


However this wondrous dance of molecules has kept my interest and passion alive. It does the same for you. Find your joy through all that you love. This leads you to your particular rhythm in the dance . We each have different rhythms because we have different parts to play. Our different parts in this dance of life lead us on different paths. It is not that one path is better or more worthy than another. They are all different. This difference is an essential ingredient to the multiple possibilities inherent in all creation. So let’s be slow to condemn others for their rhythm and quick to encourage others in finding and following the rhythm that is most loving and joyous for them.


This dance brings us to the oneness of all life. It is the oneness that our heart’s desires are created. However, before we expand into the oneness we need to get down to the specific of what it is we wish to create in our lives from our loving standpoint.






Peace in Uncertain times